Download and set as wallpaper the latest pictures in high resolution.
Here is the list of all features:
- See wallpapers, Share & Download
- Download high-resolution images directly to your device.
- Set as wallpaper from the app or automatically.
- Configurable daily notification.
- Change your home screen background.
- the lock screen can also be changed.
- You can set your own time to automatically change the wallpaper.
- A history of two full weeks of picutres.
- See the picture planned for the next day, for the curious :)
- Choice between landscape and portrait mode for wallpapers / downloaded pictures.
- Apply a black layer to darken the wallpaper with the possibility of blurring it too.
- Select the folder of downloaded images.
This application is developed by an independent developer. No abusive permission, only what is necessary for the application to work properly, nothing intrusive and no data collection.
It is necessary to have an internet connection to retrieve the images and write permission on your phone to save them.
The app is fully translated in English.</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>